Friday, June 23, 2006

JCP Panel discussion

OnnoKluyt is leading the panel with the following guys:

  • Jon Bostrøm
  • Tom Baeyens
  • Mike Keith
  • Cameron Purdy
  • Gavin King
With such a lineup where most (all?) of the representatives on the panel is also either a JSR member or spec lead. Makes it little bit difficult to get some interesting and heated arguments but anyway. Having the experts in the field or at least someone profiles within the community lead the work is to start with a good thing. This is not sufficient to get the right technology out to the people, bit it might be a start.

The time to market problem, especially with the Java Platform releases is beeing discussed piched up with a comment from Gavin.

Companies like Microsoft probably implements similar processes internallyalthoughh they are most definitely not public!
Kirk Pepperdine claims that you pretty much need a lawyer to get through the initial process of signing up and getting up to speed. This is something quite different from entering an Open Source community where you are judged on what you have (or are) achieving other that being able to signoff legal documents.

Cameronencouragess the members of the audience to participate andcontributee instead of, as Gavin King says, just complain instead of just complaining about stuff thatdoesn'tt work. Some (around 4) of the JSR's currently running are led by individual members, with Groovy (scripting for java) and Concurrency as good examples. Surprisingly enough more that 50% of the members of the JCP are actually individual members.

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