Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sourceforge download problems

Just wanted to download the updated version of TortoiseSVN which I like a lot better than the command-.line svn tool when importing projects from different folders. The only problem was that for some reason, the only available download site was a server in kent, that for some reason was down.
I inspected the download url, that is on the form
Well i assumed that the request parameter use_mirror = could probably be replaced by something else. I tried google to see if I could get at list of all these alternate servers, without luck. I saw that the download-server had a dns-name on the form, then i turned to and entered * and it immediately gave me back a list of servers matching the dns-query. Voila, i replaced use_mirror=kent with use_mirror=belnet and there my binary dumped down on disk :-)


Johannes Brodwall said...

I hate to point this out, Bjørn, but on the download page, there is a link that says "Select a different mirror?". Did you try that one?

Nevertheless, it is a cool NetCraft trick.

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